Monday, January 14, 2013

How to win a date with Shredstin

So I got a lot of questions today due to my constant nagging, so obviously I chose the most self-gratifying. This advice is for Olivia who asked;

"How is a girl to win a date with the one and only Shredstin?"

So I get it. Girls want me! It is a bit overwhelming actually. So instead of asking them out..... don't! If I asked out every girl that wanted me I would only eat one meal a day because I would always be paying for two! 

So maybe a competition would be appropriate! Then I could weed out all the girls that don't deserve me and entertain myself in the process. 

Here are the ideas that I have that you can do to prove your worthiness.


Besides physical touch, gifts are one of my most common love languages. I am a pretty good at crafts and this picture is an example of a lovely dream catcher that I made for Olivia. If a girl made a craft that could rival the quality of my own skills she will be entered to win a date with 

Scratch that. Harry Potter is my most common love language.  If a girl started a quidditch league in Provo and made me the team captain of the Slytherin team, she would ABSOLUTELY win a date with me. In fact i would probably marry her.

Indian Leg Wrestling
Not many people know this but I have only been beaten in Indian leg wrestling once (CURSE YOU DARREN!!!!)  If a girl could beat me in Indian leg wrestling or somehow prove she was an Indian leg wrestling champion I would ask her out on the spot. Not only would I be impressed by her strength but I would also know she would have the hips and thighs to bare my children. 

Pokemon Memorized
If you have all the original 150 Pokemon memorized in order I will ask you out immediately.

So there are just a few ideas.  I would be willing to look into any other feats of awesomeness as proof of worthiness but just remember that I can't date you all.

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